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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Victorian Language of Flowers & Fans

During the Victorian era, flowers and pictures of flowers spoke a language all their own. Blossoms, buds, and herbal bouquets were sent to friends and lovers not only for their beauty and fragrance, but also to convey messages -- sometimes messages that the sender dared not speak in words.
At parties, sometimes the hostess would decorate with assortments of flowers and plants, from which the guests would select those that expressed their thoughts and feelings. 

Below  are some of the meanings listed in Victorian "flower dictionaries" (a flower displayed upside down would have the opposite meaning).
For more fun info on the language of flowers and also the "language of fans," visit our feature article on the subject!

Red Rose ~ Love, Passion
Pink Rose ~ Admiration
White Rose ~ Innocence, Purity, Humility
Yellow Rose ~ Platonic Love
Pansies ~ Thoughts of You, Thoughtfulness
Violets ~ Modesty
Forget-me-nots ~ Remember me, Faithfullness
Daisies ~ Innocence, I share your sentiments
Lily of the Valley ~ Return of Happiness
Red Poppies ~ Consolation
Dead leaves ~ Melancholy
Rosemary ~ Remembrance
Cedar ~ Strength
Sweet Basil ~ Best Wishes
Ivy ~ Fidelity, Marriage
Zinnia ~ Thoughts of absent friends

Sunday, August 14, 2011


The full moon in August was known among some Native Americans as the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon. Some called it the Red Moon because the rising moon would sometimes appear red through the summer haze. Another common name was Sturgeon Moon, because this was a time when the Great Lakes were full of fish.

This year there will be a partial lunar eclipse that will be visible from much of Europe, Africa and western Asia ... over three-quarters of the full moon will be covered by the Earth's shadow during the eclipse ... spooky and cool if you're lucky enough to be able to see it! The full moon this month is on the 16th.

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